Goodbyes and Gratitude 🙏🏾

Wednesday was my last day in Rabat. I spent the morning getting organized. Part two of my trip in Marrakech will be a fun, party vibe which means cuter clothes, sandals, etc. So I had to bring that stuff to the surface, of my suitcase. As I packed, I reflected; three things really stood out while here. 

Family & Friends

Family was a huge aspect of Moroccan life as I experienced it in Rabat. Most locals I met lived with immediate and extended family members. My host family was a household of a matriarch, her 3 sons and their families with one family per floor. Kids and babies are also everywhere in Morocco and there are preschools around every other corner in Rabat it seemed. Families seem to have lots of children At home, at preschool, with my local coordinator, I always felt welcomed as though I were part of the family. Outside the family it was reinforced that age ain’t nothing but a number!  I have always enjoyed connecting with people in flowing one on one conversations are priceless. I had so many of those exchanges on this trip and it’s nice to know that age differences were not a barrier.  Gifts, pictures and but mostly the in-person connections will be the most priceless memories for me.

On my last day in Rabat my host family gifted me with henna and the volunteer group all went out for dinner! I was really touched and happy to spend the time with them all!


Finding My Way 

I got lost and turned around so many times in Rabat. The combination of the French influences (traffic circles and roundabouts everywhere), the maze that is the Medina, and inconspicuous signage was the perfect formula for me to go the same places 5 million different ways. The beautiful thing is that I never felt stressed while finding my way because I always felt safe and confident that I would eventually get to my destination.

I thoroughly enjoyed walking the streets of Rabat. 

Nature & History

I found everything aesthetically pleasing in a Rabat and really inspiring. Going for a walk,

Enjoying the view, whether rustic architecture, modern or the beautiful beach and rocks made every venture out that much more peaceful. I thought to myself if I lived here I would go for walks every day! 

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Rabat and could definitely see myself visiting again one day. Many thanks to my host family & local coordinator for making my time as full and enjoyable as it was!


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