Back Home!

Thank God I made it home and feel better now than when I left. πŸ™πŸΎπŸŽ‰ πŸ™ŒπŸΎ I was really struggling this morning at 4AM Bangladesh time trying to see if I could postpone my flight. But when I got to the airport and found out it would be at least $2000 USD and a much longer journey (more than the already 24hours) I decided to power through and pray I’d be fine. Upgrading to first class was also out of the question since it would cost about $3000 USD. 

Thankfully on my first flight when I was the most nauseous and my headache was the most piercing, they gave me an empty row of four seats just the right length for my 5’7” frame to stretch all the way out on and fall asleep. I continue to take the paracetamol didn’t eat anything for fear of vomiting. 9 hours later, by the time I got to Istanbul my layover, I realized I didn’t have much time to get to my gate. I had to go through a whole round of security and go to a completely different part of the airport to get to my gate. And then I had to get on a bus to get to the plane. I had hoped to buy some fruit or a smoothie but didn’t have time. The second flight was packed! There were a couple empty seats, but not enough for people to spread out in like on my first flight. I made it through that 12 hour flight sitting up, with water and cherry juice. My headache improved and now it’s just a residual throbbing. 

As I type this, I’m standing here waiting for my baggage. It’s taking a while, but I’m just grateful to be standing up and home! 

I’d also like to dedicate this post to caretakers and people in the medical professional. You feel sick frustrating and even scary especially when you’re not in your usual environment. So I’d like to thank my aunt for helping to take care of me canceling a dinner that was planned the night before I left, bringing me water, and helping me to assess next steps with my flight. There was also an incident on the plane where they asked if a doctor was on board. I was in and out of sleep, but I picked up a few keywords… I don’t know what they mean, but they said she was hyper, intensive, tachycardia, and a potential infection. The doctor gave her an ID and I could see it attached to a hanger about two rows in front of me. We had 5 hours left in the flight and had that doctor not been on board nor that medical kit we would have likely needed an emergency landing! To top it off the lady has a small very cute baby, probably about nine months old and the lady next to her took care of the baby the rest of the flight while she was on IV. As we were exiting they were exchanging a bit of banter and the doctor thanked her for helping. He said every time he gets on a flight something happens and the only thing he hasn’t done was deliver a baby! And she responded, that would have been fine with me because I’m a midwife! What a blessing. I was sitting next to the ideal person to be taking care of her baby!  Anyway I say all that to say, things were tough for me but could always be worse. I’m just thankful everything worked out for us all and we got back safely!!

Still haven’t seen my bags yet… But I’m waiting patiently. Can’t wait to call my Uber and get home. I’ll add one more sentence to this post when I’m actually in my house!

Update 10:23 PM ET: back in the house and about to take a shower and go to sleep!


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