Nighttime Stops and Drops
It’s Christmas and I’m in Guyana! Last night was a mini journey from the airport to my uncle in New Amsterdam. It started when I finally arrived at 6PM in Guyana and Daddy picked me up!
We also ran into more cousins at the airport who were picking up family who happened to be on my same flight from Miami.
Then we went to my grandmother’s old house and visited neighbors there. We got some black cake and other cakes! ‘‘Tis the season.
Then we made another stop, this time a quick one that resulted in an exchange of more cake! 😋 Here’s the collection so far!
Then we stopped at more cousins in Grove near Diamond. And the crazy thing is the last time I saw them I was 10 years old and they pulled out a picture of me from then on the back of a cousins bike!
Then we took the new Hero’s Highway (which avoids the traffic of the old road) to Georgetown and stopped at my aunt in Atlantic Gardens which is along the coast (of the Atlantic Ocean). I saw my aunt and another cousin here visiting from the states.
When we passed through Bush Lot and Bath Settlement the road was “pack up” with people. “Big soirée” as my father would say “with one set a boodoomboom….A whole generation of deaf people coming..” LOL but yeah periodically as we drive through the night we pass parties with music blasting from speakers in the trunk, from dancehall, to chutney, to soca. People liming by the road, selling, drinking, eating and basically hanging out.
We drove past many towns along that main road and finally crossed the bridge over the Berbice river, then the Canjie Bridge which my dad helped to build, and reached my uncles house New Amsterdam at 1AM! It was an eventful night and we made it safely. Home sweet home! After chatting a little while I went to bed and woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine and breeze through my window. A nice beginning I plan on lounging on and off throughout the day in a hammock! ❤️ and I think we’re all thinking the same thing because everybody in the house is either sleeping or resting right now.
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