Last Night in GT
11:59PM: Too much to type… And a 7 AM flight. I’ll type this from the airport tomorrow! Had a great last day though! I spent time today in GT (Georgetown) the capital of Guyana!🇬🇾 To be continued… 3 hours sleep
Then off to the airport!
6:01 AM: The last time driving from Berbice to town!
This vacation was definitely a family trip. Got to hang out and spend time with my dad, uncle and aunt in New Amsterdam and with cousins on my mom’s side
But, I got some icing on the cake hanging out with my friend today! I’ve probably known her about 20 years now and through WhatsApp we’ve managed not to lose contact even though years can pass not speaking at all. And it’s easy to lose touch with a long-distance friend you met during a vacation.
The evening was jam packed.
- Hung out with her kindergarten-aged son who told me about his recent holiday in America as we ate curry chicken and rice together.
- Then I ran errands with her and a friend to a couple Chinese grocery stores; so many have opened here!
- Played with her son and pumped up the tires on his bike.
- Met a couple of her friends who came to visit.
- Took a 45 min nap
- Ate chowmein!
- Got ready to hang out with her friends again and got into a car playing trap music! Hey the world is flat and we all have access to everything — shoutout to the internet & YouTube specifically. Side note: I need to check out Rod Wave
- Had a mini tour of Georgetown and took a few pictures at a Christmas Nutcracker statue and the Pegasus Hotel (the old and new)
- Went out to the sea wall to lime.
- Had a couple cocktails there at an outdoor lounge with a view from above a playground across the street
- Then we drove past Sherriff street by the old Buddy’s (a nightclub I went to probably 20 years ago now) to a food truck selling bbq chicken, fries, wings etc
- Then we stopped again went through Bourda & Stabroek markets at night. Midnight market shopping drove through style was definitely a first for me. It was actually probably around 10:30 PM. With everybody getting ready for school on Monday the food prep & meal planning begins! The bargaining joking with the vendors has me laughing! “How di corrilla going, how di mango, I need 5 mango fat like me…”
- Then back home to shower and sleep for 2.5 hours till it was time to head out to the airport. Thankfully one of my friend’s friends that I met was able to take me!
Jan 3: Now I’m standing here in the airport tired, grateful and relieved that all I can do is wait to board and sleep. The trip has been fun, restful, and well worth it! Will type one more time once back home. I have an 8 hour layover so it’s gonna be a while! I’ll add and edit pics throughout the day!
Jan 3: About 18 hours later at 11:30PM ET I’m back home in my house!
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